Daily Healthy Note

Teenager with Scoliosis grows 10cm taller after surgery


We’re used to seeing teenagers go through growth spurts, but nothing quite compares to Sam Hansen’s story.

11698513_881250931961654_1467303063431771633_nLast summer the 14-year-old grew 10cm taller overnight after having surgery to straighten her spine.

She was diagnosed with scoliosis – a condition that causes the spine to twist and curve – the previous summer after her mum noticed something was wrong with her posture.

Now, Sam is fighting fit, and loving being taller than her older sister.

Her family have been sharing her remarkable recovery story on the Facebook page ‘Diary Of A Curvy Girl’.


Sam was diagnosed with scoliosis in June 2014 after her mum, Kim Hansen, noticed her ribs sticking out when she bent down to pick something up off the floor.
Kim had also experienced scoliosis as a teenager and took her daughter to see a chiropractor straight away.
By August the teen’s spine had a 55 degree curve and by June 2015 surgery was needed.
“Otherwise it would get worse and could start to crush [my organs],” Sam told stuff.co.nz.
“I’d have to lie on a certain side because my shoulder was pushed forwards, and if I was lying down for too long I’d get a really sore shoulder.”
Doctors secured two metal rods to Sam’s spine with 17 screws during the six-hour operation.
Thankfully the surgery was successful, and a few weeks later a much taller Sam was back on her feet, learning to walk again.
She’s now back to being a happy, healthy teenager.

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