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’d wake up in pain and pretty much be in pain all day. I’d go to bed in pain, and then I couldn’t sleep at night because of the pain. That was pretty much a typical day.

It would take me over an hour or so to fall asleep. I would sleep maybe a few hours and wake up, and then I couldn’t get back the sleep. I was pretty much getting maybe 2-3 hours of sleep a day. That was just the boiling point when I had come to see you, because I couldn’t get any sleep. It just really affected me.

I have no pain whatsoever which is amazing to me… it’s like night and day. It’s like I’m a new person now.

My energy is off the charts now. I have brick floors. I actually mopped my kitchen and living room brick floors. That’s how much energy I have. I haven’t been able to do that in ages. I was really able to get down there and just clean them, and they look fantastic. My husband is really happy because of the energy. We can go out, have fun and do things that we haven’t been able to do in years. It’s really a blessing.

Roslyn Beats Fibromyalgia & Shares Her Story

Dr M:  Today I’m joined by Roslyn and she’s actually here in Birmingham, Alabama. 95% of my patients now at this point are phone consults, but Rosalyn was able to visit the clinic in person each week. Roslyn, thanks again for joining me. I’d like to ask you, how long have you have fibromyalgia? How long ago did you get diagnosed with fibromyalgia?

Roslyn:  About a year ago. I was having pain and brain fog. When I came to see you, I was having a lot of pain … so much pain, actually my eyeballs were hurting. My equilibrium was off, so I had a lot of different issues going on.

Dr. M:  In your health history that you shared with me, you were having a lot of joint pain, stomach and back pain, problems with vertigo and your balance, you had a thyroid nodule, a lot of problems with GERD. You had previously been diagnosed with Raynaud’s and lupus and IBS. You were having some numbness and tingling in your hands and feet. When you first started working with me, you were on 2 different Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatories or NSAIDs, also the Hydrocodone, and then Clonazepam for bedtime. You’ve done really well but prior to working with me, share some more about some of these things that you were having. How long has this been going on as far as having the issues with the pain, the low energy and the sleep issues? How long had that been going on?

Roslyn:  For years. It had been going on for years. It had gotten so bad, I almost lost all hope. My husband and I came in to see you, and really the rest is history. I feel so much better, it’s like night and day.

Dr. M:  What were doctors telling you over the years and what were they recommending? What did they tell you was wrong with you?

Roslyn:   They always contributed to my lupus, or it was always something that they could never help me with. Everything was steroids. If something was wrong, they’d put me on steroids which caused me to gain a lot of weight. Pretty much it was just masking my issues, they weren’t really helping me.

Dr. M:  What was a typical day like before we started working together?

Roslyn:   I’d wake up in pain and pretty much be in pain all day. I’d go to bed in pain, and then I couldn’t sleep at night because of the pain. That was pretty much a typical day.

Dr. M:  What was your energy like? Did you have much energy back then?

 Roslyn:  No, I had no energy at all. None.

Dr. M:   How did that limit you? Did that prevent you from going out and do things? Did you find that you were less able to go do social events? Tell me a little bit about how low was your energy at that time.

Roslyn:   Because of the lack of sleep, I couldn’t do a whole lot at all. I was always tired.

Dr. M:    Tell me about your sleep. Before we started working together, you really weren’t sleeping much at all. What would a typical night be like? How long did it take you to fall asleep?

Roslyn:   It would take me over an hour or so to fall asleep. I would sleep maybe a few hours and wake up, and then I couldn’t get back the sleep. I was pretty much getting maybe 2-3 hours of sleep a day. That was just the boiling point when I had come to see you, because I couldn’t get any sleep. It just really affected me.


Dr. M:  The medications that you were taking, you’re off all medications at this point right?

Roslyn:   Yes, no medications.

Dr. M:   Which is fantastic …

Roslyn:   Only the supplements that you prescribed.

Dr. M:  That’s amazing. You shared with me here over several visits that really the pain … we don’t even talk much about the pain. Do you have any pain at this point?

Roslyn:   No, I have no pain whatsoever which is amazing to me. Like I said, it’s like night and day. It’s like I’m a new person now.

Dr. M:   We worked on your diet too. As you said, you were taking those steroids over the years and you’d gained some weight. We found an issue with your metabolism was low, and we got you on an anti-inflammatory diet. How much weight did you lose on that diet?

Roslyn:   I lost 23 pounds.

Dr. M:   Wow, that’s fantastic. Tell me about your energy now. I know your energy is much better. How would you rate your energy from where it was to where it is now?

Roslyn:   It’s off the charts now. I have brick floors. I actually mopped my kitchen and living room brick floors. That’s how much energy I have. I haven’t been able to do that in ages. I was really able to get down there and just clean them, and they look fantastic. My husband is really happy because of the energy. We can go out, have fun and do things that we haven’t been able to do in years. It’s really a blessing.

Dr. M:  I’m so proud of you. What was it like working with me and my staff? It’s definitely different than going to a conventional doctor and getting on more and more drugs. What was it like working with us?

Roslyn:   The girls, they’re just so nice. If I had any questions, they had no problem … Gina and Juno had no problems answering my question. Especially with the diet, they gave me tips. I contribute to my success to them also because they really helped me out, and of course you. I really have had a pleasant experience.

Dr. M:    Great. What would you like to share for any of those people that may be listening to this replay? Anything you’d like to share about working with me over the last 6 months, anything you would want to offer them?

Roslyn:  Yeah. You just have so much patience in working with me. All of my issues, you made sure that you helped me with all of my issues … I just can’t thank you enough because like I said before, I feel like a new person. I pretty much feel like my old self, so thank you.

Dr. M:  You are so welcome. Thanks for joining me Roslyn, I really appreciate you doing so. I look forward to talking to you soon.

Roslyn:     Ok, talk to you later. Thanks a lot Dr. Murphree.

Dr. M:    You’re welcome, have a great day.

Roslyn:     Thanks, you too. 

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